My itinerary (all in one)

The journey is over. Here is an overview of my itinerary, all in one post.

First of all, here it is, all in one single map.

Zoom in to follow me on my different trips.

The dates and links to the cities I lived in are below.


Leg 1

Here’s the detailed account of the booking process… It was a journey in and by itself!

RTW #1


Leg 2

Here’s the detailed account of the planning.

RTW #2


Leg 3

Instead of returning in January 2015, I extended this trip to the end of March 2015, just to avoid having to come back to Brussels in full winter, which would have been depressing…

Instead, this is what I came up with:

Here’s the detailed account of the planning.

RTW #3


And this is what my world travel map looks like in the end, the countries I have visited on this journey, including the European countries I have visited before going on this trip.

Still a lot of blank.
