My tonsils and me

I would consider myself pretty healthy. Generally I seem to have only one week spot: my tonsils.

They are generally huge, and now and then, a few times a year, they get inflamed.

It’s usually the first sign of a cold, the swelling and the redness, and I know: I’ll be sick.

I had thought to have them removed before this trip, but the specialist who looked at them thought it was not necessary. If only I had gone with my gut feeling!

It started Friday evening at La Perla, and in that night I could feel it happen. And boom, I’m sick again, and spending the last days in Mexico City here in bed (pretty much as it began).

So no Corona Capital Festival, no Guilt or Envy Clubs, no Purisima, no Museo Tamayo, no Trotsky, no Diego, no pyramid in Tepoztlan.

It’s fine. It is what it is. I have seen so many great things here in the city, been to so many museums, I’ll keep all the rest for next time.

I might go and see a doctor tomorrow, as this is really the worst case I had since I can remember, maybe I’ll get some antibiotics, before heading out to Chicago and then on a 16-hour-flight to Hong Kong. Wish me luck.