Bar night

After Sabine left, I spent the morning cleaning my files, writing some mails, continuing some planning for the trip in a café, and then met up in the early evening with Cihan, a reader of my blog!

He wanted to show me a couple of his favorite bars, and as I haven’t gone out in a while, we made it a bar night – drinking too much white wine!

From Bej Kahve close to the waterfront in Karaköy, we walked uphill and went to Mama Shelter, a place that had been high on Sabine’s list every day for their famous roof tool terrace… but we never made it as our feet were too tired…

Indeed, it’s great place, we were early so it was still not really full. They have a great decoration, and the place is supposed to be happening and really crowded later at night.


Next stop: 5.Kat, which means 5th floor, in Turkish. Another roof top restaurant/bar, we could get a place as we were early, even though we had no reservations.

Amazing views over the city, the Asian side of Istanbul and the bridge!

Final stop then: White Mill Café, another nice bar, with a great backyard out in the open. This must be buzzing in summer!

I drank too much delicious Turkish white wine and was quite drunk in the end!

But what fun to discover these places, most of them I would not have found them. It’s great to meet the locals and make some friends.

Tomorrow we’ll go see the Warhol exhibition!