Time to revisit another place that was a favorite of mine last time around, Estación Mapocho, an old train station, now decommissioned, that once linked Santiago to Northern Chile.
Built between 1905 and 1912, the station was constructed in time for the centennial celebrations in Chile, which also saw the construction of the Museo de Bellas Artes, the High Court, and a number of parks.
Until 1987, Estación Mapocho was the capital’s main rail hub with lines serving Valparaíso, northern Chile and, across the Andes, Argentina.
Today it is a cultural centre, housing exhibitions and events. The big vault, a steel structure, is marvelous, and a photographer’s paradise.
I enjoyed a coffee, saw the current photo exhibitions and then took a bunch of pictures.
The Melbourne photo class really paid off this time, as I knew how to handle taking pictures with a huge dynamic range, e.g. a lot of bright and dark spots in the same picture.