Lana del Rey

On one of my first nights I checked the concert calendar and realized that I just missed Cut Copy, by like an hour! So I immediately browsed Ticketmaster and found Lana del Rey.

I had missed her in Paris last year, and I like her music… let’s see how Mexico City receives her.

She seems to be really popular here, they had to add a second show, thank God, as the few tickets left on the first night were out of my (travel budget) price range.

She did a great show, in the massive Auditorio Nacional, some 30 minutes by foot from my place, in the Chapultepec Park. From the outside, it is a big modern building, a concrete block…


And inside, imagine a big, modern theatre, with balconies on different levels… Just that it seats TEN THOUSAND people. Everything is a little bit bigger here in Mexico City.

She played, I think, all the hits form her previous albums and the current one. And she had Mexico City at her feet (or long legs) in an instant.

Pretty much between every song she went to the fron row and signed autographs… Every move with the hair, every bow or gesture was greeted with enthusiastic screams.

My first experience with a Mexican audience… and they sure know how to make some noise.

As for the sound, it was a bit muffled up there on my cheap(est) seats, sometimes her voice wasn’t that clear, with all the band playing… the more slow, near-acoustic songs sounded fine though.

What was most impressive was all the (in-official) merchandizing going on around the venue. Innumerable stands selling t-shirts, posters, mugs, flowers for your hair… all in Lana Del Rey make-up.

I am pretty sure those guys were here last week for a Mexican artist, with all the same merchandising. you have to fight your way through to get to the Auditorio.

All in all, a great night. Now I’m pondering whether I should get tickets for Corona Capital 2014 this weekend, two days with band like MGMT, Massive Attack, Hercules and Love Affair, Haim…. I’m tempted…

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