Mama Mini

Once settled, I hopped right onto a tram and went to the CBD, to find the ShanDong Mama Mini, the new place my friend Colin runs now, a mini version of Melbourne’s fabulous and famous ShanDong Mama’s dumpling restaurant.

They really did a fine job! It’s in a small alley in the CBD, crammed with other food places. Great interior design by Colin.

They serve pretty much the same menu as the big Mama, except for a few complicated things that can’t be made in a tiny kitchen. However, they got a license and sell great beers, too.

So I met up with Colin and Michel again, whom I had gotten to know just over a year ago. So great to see them both.

Colin is still working in the agency, but basically manages the Mini Mama full time… and Michael has successfully opened the hotel he is working for and the IT systems manager.

We made plans for Midsumma Carnival right away. It’s good to be back!

I went home, not without a detour to popular Sircuit and The Peel. Just to check if all is still in place!
